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Saturday, 4 December 2010

Thinktank: Interaction between blog posts and Dot Tel sub-domains.

Blogs are useful and efficient for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

My Idea and project, I hadn't seen realized anywhere before, and so I think that this is a SEO booster, than probably no one else had yet properly used and discovered.

If random .tel domain related posts perform so well as SEO boosters, than I conclude, that structured and tight implementation of blog posts in to a sub-domain tree structure, must be much more powerful and especially, can well-direct, whatever way you want to present your .tel domain via specific keywords, that you place (also as tags) within your blog post.

As in our concept, there is a strong SEO boost in every sub-domain, the total SEO effect is within multiplying all sub-domains (which are linked to the blog). The more such sub-domains: The stronger the SEO effect, and the higher the ranking of the Dot Tel domain.

Last, but not least: The pictures that you add to the text, are the most well treated by Google Search and the way he indexes content. Any picture in a blog post, and any picture in the .tel domain header, is therefor highly important and effective for SEO.


Blogs are useful and efficient for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Nota Bene:
In other words:
For example, you have a directory:
You submit every foreign link to your specially for that link created blog post, and so, you can add text to the link, that contains SEO friendly keywords.

Further: If you create a subdomain, in that way and sense, for every link, than each link and subdomain would have a boosting effect for the main domain.

The green bubbles show the actual boosting elements:

To be continued.

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